Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Child Who Does Everything

Okay, now I am in a better mood (amazing what a little sleep will do for your outlook, isn't it?) and can now laugh about all the drama here over the past couple of days. The funniest exchange, though, is played out below.

Me: "I don't think moving out is a good idea right now, seeing as how you don't have a driver's license and don't have a job. Nor do you have any money. "

Child: "You are so selfish! You just want me to stay here because I do everything!"

Yes, that's it - it's because he does everything. Everything like sleeping until noon, and keeping a room that really ought to be an EPA superfund site, and doing the bare minimum on any chore he is asked to complete. And that's why I think he shouldn't move out yet. Has nothing to do with maturity level OR the ability to support himself... it's because he keeps the house running.

And, no, I didn't strangle him, but I did take away his Internet access until he successfully obtains that driver's license and a job. 'Cause I'm selfish like that.


Anonymous said...

LOL good for you. I used to be sort of like that and my mom did the same thing. Course back then we didn't even have internet, but she banned me from riding my own horse for a semester in High school.

Terri said...

Anna, I am glad that you turned out so well - it gives me hope! :)


Cris said...

ha ha, Good for you sticking your ground! Remember, as my mom would always say, "this too, shall pass". Believe it or not he will (secretly) thank you for it later. I have a 16 year old son,(and daughters, 19 and 20) so I know a little about that kind of stuff. My son recently got his drivers license and when I was teaching him to drive he got so angry at me for gasping so much. Then he actually yelled, "I've been driving remote control cars all my life, I think I know what I am doing!!!" I could hardly keep a straight face at how dumb that sounded!! ha ha Hang in there!

Terri said...

Cris, thank you for that! I needed a laugh! :)


Julia said...

What do you do when your 4 year old acts like this? Just kidding. I guess this is my future 10 years from now...

Helen @ The Beading Lady said...

lol, excellent.
It's so difficult to know how much freedom to give them.
You are doing a great job of keeping that balance.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

that is too funny Terri ! I remember the days ( my oldest are 28,27,James would be 24 now and Justin is 22.) Don't worry, it gets better - for most of them anyway. They all grow up sooner or later. hang in there. Cris you made me laugh ! I would have cracked up if my son said that. lol

Connie said...

Oh dear. Teenagers. I've got a couple of those. Things are good here right now, but there have been times when they weren't. Hang in there. They go through a lot of stages. Hopefully this one will pass quickly for you and for him.

Susie said...

Oh my goodness Terri! No wonder you were angry. Can't say I blame you. Kids need rules and it sounds like you are definitely laying them down. Good for you!

andrea said...

sleep can be amazingly restorative eh? and teenagers crack me up (I can say that I don't actually live with one I just work with them!)
you will survive this ... hopefully he will too :)

hang in there

Terri said...

Thanks for all the support, everyone! The saga continues and at the moment I'm not sure how it turns out, but I'll post more tomorrow.


Christine said...

"room that really ought to be an EPA superfund site" ROTFL, it seems I have his long lost twin living with ME.

Good luck, my daughter put me through hoops like that and has finally started to settle down at the ripe old age of 20. She even made a statement the other day about how she should have listened to me. Your day will come. It just may be a few more years. :)