Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Giveaway Update

So, to those of you who are thoroughly befuddled by the whole exchange, here's the rundown:

1. I'm giving away the blue tote pictured at the left, filled with Easter goodies.

2. Melissa has graciously agreed to crochet something to add to the tote.

3. To enter, comment on the giveaway post up to five times (one entry per comment), blog about the giveaway (five entries) and leave a skunk-related comment on both this blog AND Thistledew Farm blog (15 entries!).

4. Avoid were-rabbits, were-wolves and especially were-skunks AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!

Does that cover it? I think it does! Enter early, and enter often! :)

Here's another shot of the tote, pictured with a smaller handbag I made to match it that had too many wonky parts to give away, but not too many for me to use. I couldn't decide if I wanted green or blue, and now I just wish I had more lilac fabric!

If the handbag had turned out a little better, it would be part of this giveaway. One of these days I'll come up with a handbag/tote combination that'll knock your socks off, though! Wait and see if I don't!


Wolfie said...

Oooooh oooooooh.... I just LOVE that tote!!! lol

You keep teasing me Terri!!! lol

I don't know what entry I'm up to .... I have to go count. *wink*


DayPhoto said...

You are an amazing semstress!


andrea said...

ask and ye shall receive Terri - you have noticed I am not a great photographer though I am sure ;)

Connie said...

I'm so confused!! HA HA!

Your totes are darling, Terri! Very creative. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri, this is a really cool giveaway! I would have stopped by earlier but one of my horses ripped up her leg badly on Wed. evening and I spent more than half of Thursday at the vets office getting her leg stitched up and wrapped.

Anonymous said...

I love your blue tote!
It would go just right around here on the farm to carry my crafts and things.
Good luck on your giveaway.

marmee said...

very cute tote and lovely crocheted item going with it. enter me.
does the fact we used to call our son skunkaroo count. he can't stand us bringing that fact up at dinner parties, now that he is 21.

TheBlueYonder said...

Ooooh! Pretty tote. :)

Love the fabric. Tried staring at it real hard, I'm pretty sure I didn't see a skunk in the print.

Oh wait, this isn't a Rorschach test ... never mind.