Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Graduation Photo

We took graduation photos a couple of weeks ago, and here's mine. Can you believe it? Graduation photos, people! Surely that means the end is near!!

Anyway, after looking carefully at this photo, I have decided that I am Velma Dinkley. See? I'm short and I'm a bookworm and my hair is reddish-brown. I'm kind of stocky, and I can't see a thing without my glasses. When my hair is short, we could be twins.

So, do you have a virtual "twin" and who is it? Tell me I'm not the only "cartoon caricature" out there! :)


Anonymous said...

Terri, This is a great picture - you are adorable and how proud all of us who follow you are of you!

One time when my brother put my face in to one of those games, it brought up DAN RATHER as my look alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Susie said...

Terri this is such a great picture of you! Your happiness made me smile.

I don't know who I would look like. I think I would be afraid to find out.

Terri said...

Mildred, you are too sweet. Come to think of it, I remember that post! :) I'm off to find it and put my photo in there! Hehehe!

Susie, thank you! Maybe I should be worried also - Mildred looks nothing like Dan Rather!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Yeah! That's a great picture! I don't even want to know who my twin might be--it might be a smurf or something!

em's scrapbag said...

Oh you made me laugh. Congrats on your upcoming graduation. I don't know who my twin would be. Good question?

Terri said...

Amy, I didn't think about that. I could have been a smurf! :)

TC, you're sweet! And I sort of like ol' Pepe!

Em, thanks so much! My husband got a good laugh out of it, too!


Hilarious said...

Such a great picture

Christine said...

ROTFL! Oh that's priceless.

Connie said...

Wonderful photo, Terri! Graduation photo--woot woot! That sure sounds good, doesn't it. :D

When I was little and wore my hair in pigtails, my brother used to tease me and say I looked like the red-haired mascot for Wendy's restaurants. Also I've been told I looked like Pippi Longstocking. HA! ;)

Julia said...

Congrats on being so close!! And your picture is really pretty. You are definitely NOT a cartoon character though!

Terri said...

Thank you, Hilarious!

Christine, my sons got a good laugh out of it when I showed them, but then my youngest said, "Velma is the smart one, Mom, so that's right!" :)

Daisy, thank you! I have heard the "Pippil Longstocking" one, too, but I was always short and stocky so it never really fit!

Julia, you are sweet to say so!


Heidi D said...

I totally am a Velma too!!! We should make a club.

Terri said...

Heidi, we should totally have a Velma club! With t-shirts! :)