Sunday, August 30, 2009

Still Here

I haven't gone anywhere, and I'm not abandoning the blog. It's just that the combination of working and studying for the board exam has me so busy I can't see straight! So, let me do a quick update and then it's back to the books!

First - the new job. I was very nervous starting out, but it's been good. I'm working hard, and learning more about how they do things at this hospital. Some of those things I like, some not so much, but that's true of anywhere, and so I'll adapt. Everyone has been very nice and very supportive, so I think I'll make it!

Second - the board exam. Uggh! I am wading through all this material and some of it I swear I do NOT remember studying before, even though I am sure we did. I study 'til my eyeballs ache and then I study a little more. I'm trying to log 2 hours of study per workday (although I give myself a break if the workday goes past 6 p.m.) and 6-8 hours on each day I don't work.

I take the test October 15, so just about six more weeks of this and (hopefully) I'll be able to relax. Either that or I'll be back on the same treadmill again, because I must pass this test at some point, although there is an option to retake it if you have to. Need I say that I really don't want to have to??

On October 18, the youngest graduates from basic training and I have the time off to go see it. And my oldest son is taking leave to come out with us! The middle son starts college next week, but he'll be able to go see his brother graduate, as well. So, there's lots to look forward to! All my duckies together again - at least for a weekend! They're all busy and I'm really busy so the time will fly, I'm sure!


Anonymous said...

I know it will be nice to get past the exam and relax some. Studying and work are exhausting. Glad to hear everyone at work is supportive. Enjoy today.

blushing rose said...

Stay focused & you will be fine. Have a beautiful week. TTFN ~ Marydon

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!

Pamela RN BSN

Susie said...

Terri, don't worry about us fellow bloggers. You do what you gotta do and pass those boards. We'll be here waiting on ya!

Wolfie said...

I can certainly imagine that the exam is weighing heavily on your mind hon. I'm positive you'll pass it the first time. You've studied and worked too hard not to!!

Glad to hear you'll have your family together for the graduation. Enjoy!!!



Terri said...

Thank you, everybody, for once again giving me great support and encouragement! You guys are the best!

DayPhoto said...

Good Luck! Don't worry about us, take your time and study! We will wait and be there for you!


amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I know you'll be so relieved when the test is all over.

em's scrapbag said...

Have fun with all your duckies together.
Keep up the hard work your almost there. Your doing great!

countrychicken said...

Keep studying, but take some time to enjoy some things along the way. Great to hear your job is going well.

Connie said...

Sounds like you have a full plate, Terri! Hang in there. We are all pulling for you. Glad to hear your job is going well and that you will have your family all in place for a weekend.