Saturday, September 19, 2009

Phone Calls

I got a phone call from the youngest yesterday - he's just over a month into basic training now, and he sounded really good. He said he's working hard and enjoying the training.

He said he's gained ten pounds (he was really proud of that) and said the drill sergeants have said he's the smallest guy there with the biggest heart - he said, "Mom, I just don't quit!" That's my boy!

And these photos are from his company at Fort Benning - they post generic photos on the website and the wives and mothers all scan them, looking for our boys! I haven't seen Sean yet, but I've seen a couple of likely suspects - I just look for the short ones!

And I thought I'd share a few photos on this blog, because, folks, here are some of the young men who are willing to fight for your freedom. These photos show all men because it is an Infantry company, and right now women don't serve in the Infantry. In all the branches of the service, though, there are young men and women exactly like these boys - working hard to get through their training so that they can take their place in our lines of defense.

I am very proud of all of them, and I sincerely hope and pray that we all figure out a way to avoid using them in anything but humanitarian missions someday very soon. If you're the praying type, send one up for the young men and women out there fighting for all of us, no matter what our political affiliation is!


Anonymous said...

I know that phone call meant so much to you Terri and I know you are so proud. I appreciate the sacrifice of all our men and women and pray for them daily.

Connie said...

Prayers going up for your son and all others who serve, Terri. Wishing you the best.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I was just saying today that so many people don't remember that there are people fighting--only those who have loved ones over there! My prayers go with those men and women who are defending freedom and for those back home awaiting their return. God Bless them and you!

andrea said...

Thanks for posting the pictures - so neat to see some of ther next heros learning their role
glad he called you

I will wear red very friday til everybody who can is home safely so they know I think of them weekly

Debbie said...

Thank you for sharing your phone call with your son. You must be so proud of him. We do tend to forget about those who are off fighting for our freedom and your post is a nice reminder.

Take Care,

Susie said...

Sounds like great news Terri! I know you were glad to receive that call. I try to always remember our military in prayer.

DayPhoto said...

Fort Benning! My son's last assignement. I like the idea of seeing those photos, it's a neat idea.

Good your son and good for you! My prayers are with you! They really are.


Heidi D said...

I'm so proud. :) He's so awesome. This post makes me think of a line from a song

"I will always do my duty no matter what the price
I’ve counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice
Oh and I don’t want to die for you, but if dyin’s asked of me
I’ll bear that cross with honor, cause freedom don’t come free."

American Soldier~Toby Kieth