Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm having a personal energy crisis this week. I have no energy for anything. Really, if I could, I'd spend all day sleeping, but that isn't very conducive to anything, is it? I think it's just stress and a little bit of burnout. And I'm sure it will pass soon, but for the moment a nap sounds like the best idea on the planet.

So, aside from caffeine, which I already consume far too much of, what do you do when you need an energy boost? Share your tips and tricks, if you have any, because I'm hitting the wall here and I have a few miles still to go in this race!


Donnell said...

Hmmm. This is sort of like Attila the Hun giving advice on diplomacy. But for whatever it's worth: I actually do try to take a nap, but either keep it at 20 minutes or go for a full sleep "cycle" and do 90 minutes. Soda or coffee, but it's really the "messing with it" that helps more than the caffeine. Take a walk. Do something completely different for a timed period.

Oh, and I find yelling at the TV for awhile tends to be quite energizing. Just find a program with some idiot discussing government policy. Not hard to find; there are no idiot shortages on TV.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes take a 20 min. nap if I am really tired. If I need to stay awake, a brisk walk usually does the trick. The iris bulbs you and Melissa planted sound very pretty - the color doesn't matter; they are all lovely!!! Happy Easter to you.

Terri said...

Donn, thanks for the advice - I can easily find something idiotic on the TV (or the computer) to get indignant over!

Mildred, the walk sounds like a great idea. :)

Becca's Dirt said...

Terri - I understand the dragging. When I am feeling that way I do 1 of 2 things. I either give into the feeling and indulge myself or I get my b@@@ out and work really hard. Working hard usually yields the best feeling for me. Hope you feel better and energized real soon.

flydragon said...

I can sure relate to this. And I know a brisk walk or some exercise can work. But it's the jump start that I lack. I find that I just can't talk myself into it. Hopefully someone will post a comment that can help both of us:))

Julia said...

Naps. Definitely naps. I have been feeling slow the last few days too. Must be going around.

Susie said...

A little nap is great but so is a Snickers bar. That's a guarantee to get you thru the afternoon.

andrea said...

for me napping is a HUGE no no - I am a BAD napper - I can go to bed early and thats ok but napping backfires and I get cranky afterwards too

getting going is what stokes me best- playing if possible (for me working me dogs is play so I do that)or going for a walk or even 10- 15 minutes where I crank my radio and dance (and yup I lock my office door and do it there too if I'm desperate)

I understand running on empty too well - make sure you are eating well and taking care of yourself as best you can - and know that this too shall pass...

hang in there

Heidi D said...

I am not the person to ask. I have the same problem you do. I am practically caffeine free though. I had a harder time with being tired when I was using it for energy. My trick is to eat fresh fruit. It really rejuvenates.

Margaret said...

Fresh air and the realization that we can slow down, and we are not to proud to say I'm tired.

Terri said...

Thank you, everyone, for the suggestions - you're all correct when you say short naps and more activity, I'm sure. I'll work on the second - the first depends on my clinical schedule! :)

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Whenever I need a boost I lay down for a nap!

Wolfie said...

OMW.... I don't know. Other than to keep plugging along and you just get your 2nd wind. Or at least, I do.



DayPhoto said...

When I get there I HAVE TO TAKE A NAP! Even if it is in the car on my lunch hour at work. 10-20 minutes works wonders, until I can collapse in the chair after supper (or springtime work) after dark.


Anna said...

When you just can't take naps, Bananas and Emergen C drink mix both work well. I used those when I was fighting wildfires. After 14 days straight of working 12-16 hour shifts you really get drug down.

Connie said...

Hi Terri, sorry to hear of your energy crisis. I have that trouble sometimes too. Sometimes I take a nap, but not often. A walk around the block does help me to kind of clear the cobwebs and get refreshed.

Other things that work for me, a cup of green tea but not with caffeine, wash my face with a cool cloth, put on some lotion or cologne with a fresh clean smell, or suck on a peppermint candy. These things seem to perk me up somehow.

Hope things are going better for you by now. (Sorry I'm so late at getting around to comment.)

ikkinlala said...

Exercise works the best for me. Upbeat music also helps.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter Terri.