Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weekend Getaway - NOT!

I'll be gone for the weekend, and it won't be any fun, I'm afraid. :( I'm going to an anesthesia review course - thirty hours of lecture over two and a half days... and that's the start of the marathon study session the next four months is going to be.

A friend of mine, though, is just getting ready to start the program - when I think of her journey, my four months is nothing. She would give her eyeteeth to be where I am. It's all about perspective, isn't it?

So, I'll see all of you next week - have a great weekend, everyone!



Wolfie said...

Hey hon... it'll be over be for you know it!!

Just plug along and take it one hour at a time.

Good luck and learn lots!!


Becca's Dirt said...

Good luck in your studies. Hope you ace it.

Connie said...

Good luck, Terri. Hang in there, it will be next week before you know it.

Anna said...

Good Luck!!

Susie said...

Keep up the good work girlie!!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

That's a lot of lecturing!!! Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to!

Anonymous said...

My internet has been down so I am late visiting. I sure am proud of you Terri. Hope the weekend flies by for you.

Terri said...

Thank you, everybody! It was a rough weekend, but it's over now! :)

Unknown said...
