Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blog - Jack - Austin Fun

This is hilarious! I took the Jane Austin Quiz on behalf of Terri to see how I read her.....I couldn't believe the result.....

I am Anne Elliot!

Take the Quiz here!

I almost took the test again, changing the answers because I'm not sure that's her....
Then my conscience kicked in and I decided I must be fair or I'll feel guilty. Does this happen to you???? You really want to adjust reality to suit you, but your integrity gets in the way? I really envy people who can disregard their conscience and not even worry about it...

Anyway, I get to her site and what do my wondering eyes should appear???? I read Terri exactly the way she read herself. And even more amazing is that Terri read me the way I wanted to see myself, not the way I do....before taking the Quiz, I wanted to be Elizabeth Bennett, but my answers revealed I thought of myself as Elinor Dashwood of Sense and Sensibility.....Terri thinks of me as Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice - perfect....I suppose that is really Elizabeth after all, she doesn't see herself as others do.


Terri said...

Oh, thank heavens - I was afraid i'd be the mean older lady that wants to marry her daughters off! :)

By the way, you're Elizabeth... I've been hanging around with you off and on for 14 years or so now. I think that qualifies me as a semi-expert on you, so there! :)


Connie said...

Well that is interesting! Cool that you both got the same answer on this side. :)